Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rambler 150 (sasquatchcentenial)

This is a salute to big foot and to the 150th posting to Rambler. Now my knee is dislocated from attempting the salute with my big foot.

Why do restaurants make you walk through the smoking section to get to the non smoking? Doesn't that defeat the purpose?

With all of the pork being passed out by Washington, I am glad I am not down wind from there. (Have you ever savored the smell of a hog farm in full bloom?)

There once was a tier of flies
Who made them in many a size
Testing the barb
In his fishing garb
He would try to get a rise

Congressman are meeting in Mount Airy, NC, to practice their public speaking skills. (Note: I did not say truth saying skills.)

food/music: Unchain my Tart-Ray Charles '60

Economic woes have caused 7-Up to become 5-Up.

When I fly now, I wear 4 sets of clothes to avoid the luggage charges.

Hay growers are now looking for a bailout.

I like cold turkey. I guess I'll have to quit hot turkey.

The hypnotists convention is charging an en trance fee.

My tool shopping reached a new level at my Ace Hardware Store.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog as usual. I have been kind of out of pocket for a few days and got behind on the important stuff like checking blogs and stuff.
