Moose Factory,
ON, is holding its annual sale. (And I always thought moose were to
be found in the wild!)
ignorance is encyclopedic" - Abba Eban (1915-2002)
(This needs expanding because of the internet.) Many of today's politicians studied there!
Re: deficit spending-If we spend our deficit, will
that put us back to zero?
NY Mayor
Bloomberg issues a new requirement to reduce the package size of hot dog
buns. He feels bun control laws are
Su Yu,
spokesperson for the Chinese Legal Foundation, discussed meetings with American
attorneys for orientation.
In the
local bakery arson investigation, firefighters have found the smoking bun.
An old TV
series is being reworked for today’s market:
“Have Gun Can’t Travel.”
A book
about Christmas has been found in John Steinbeck’s papers: “The Wreath of
Grapes.” (Stop wining.)
Headlines (possibly):
Cool Whip
sales creams competitors
no match for investigators
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