Monday, September 27, 2010

Rambler 218

We plant a tree waiting for it to grow and to provide shade. That's the time we start worrying about limbs falling and causing damage. It's different than electing a Congressman. As soon as you vote them in, the damage begins.

Plowing a field can be harrowing.

I tried some anti wrinkle cream on my dress shirt. I wouldn't recommend it.

Have the Rolling Stones hit rock bottom?

There once was a man from the South
Who only put fried food in his mouth
He would open it wide
And the food would slide
Topped off with a glass of vermouth

A local farmer was having trouble getting his crops in.
I offered to run a piece of equipment but noticed that the seats were very ragged. The farmer told me before I got started there would be reaper cushions.

Will Ponzi Schemes be renamed Madoff Schemes since a new record was established?

They are pushing for gambling in bars in Minnesota. I am not sure why. We are gambling every time we buy food with the lapses in enforcement by the FDA.

The sewer drain company executive said they have grate expectations.

He is pointed in the right direction; he just needs to start his engine.

After the: oil spill in the Gulf, oil spill in Michigan, egg recalls, spinach problems, natural gas explosions, pill recalls due to illness and death, coal ash contaminating water supplies, it makes you wonder why we have all of the governmental agencies at such great expense.

Are the people from the Census Bureau who try to categorize us counter fitters?

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