For Mother's Day I gave my wife a two carrot salad. (I may not live until Father's Day.)
Let's see. We have had: the Shoe Bomber; the Underwear Bomber, and the NYC Bomber all with fuses that didn't work. It seems the terrorists are stuck on the "B's" (for bombs) of the ABC's and haven't reached the "F" for fuse.
As a fisherman I go online any chance I get.
Fortunately his new sailboat came with a year's warranty; he went through two masts before the year.
There once was a maker of butter
Who with the recipe would putter
Garlic and cloves
And herbs by the droves
Causing his customers to mutter
New roads are being built flat and with no shoulders. They are being financed by uncurbed subsidies.
I went through the roundabout to get to the Outback for an order of baby back ribs.
Newly found ancient manuscripts were by the famous botanist Leaf Ericson.
A fungus on Mexican corn looks nasty but has a better taste and more nutrients than the corn it consumes. This is a case of not throwing out the mold.
Who said "the sky's the limit"? What about space?
Are ice skaters always on edge?
I was on a plane watching the stewardess go down the aisle. I asked what she was doing. She replied taking a head count. I told her to put me down for one.
It is good to have you back at work writing for us. Thank you for my morning laughs.