Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Rambler 170

The Seven Footers Society is meeting in Dwarf, KY, for a short session on Longfellow.

A new biography of the owner of McDonalds will be on the shelves next week: "Lord of the Fries."  The sequel, "Lard of the Rings" will soon follow.

food/music Close Your Eyes Peaches and Herb '67

Millions of dollars are being spent on a new wind tunnel in the Greenville, SC, for research. Why not use Congress? It would be a byproduct of normal events.  (I wonder how they hold down those 2,000 page bills with all that wind.)

There once was a man with too much snow
And into a neighbor's yard he would it blow
But there was retribution
Through redistribution
Out of his house he now cannot go            (time to go with the floe)

If light travels at 186,000 miles per second, who timed it?

In hockey why do they call it a "hat trick" when they wear helmets?

The Surgeon General said that obesity is a problem she can't get her arms around. (She wouldn't expand on the topic.)

In a recent news item government overspending was charged.
(Hope this one makes you think twice.)

The subject of radioactive waste is heating up.

The Tazmanian Devil has been downgraded to The Tazmanian Imp.

Man who stands too close to razor in the morning loses face.

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