Monday, February 22, 2010

Rambler 169

An autopsy of Humpty Dumpty revealed that he suffered from restless egg syndrome.

Area Postmasters will be meeting in Stamping Ground, KY.

The NYT last week printed a 12 page article on the Tea Parties and suggested a possible link (they said they had no proof) to violence. Since most of those shown were retirees, I imagine the violence consisted of trying to run people over with the wheels of their walkers, or doing wheelies with their powered chairs, or pointing loaded canes at innocent bystanders.

I took my metronome to the metrodome to arrive in time.

Does sound asleep mean snoring?

A new book on Congress is about to be published: "Animal Farm". In it all pork is considered equal; some is more equal than others.

food/music Strawberry Fields Forever Beatles '67

A limerick is a form of verse
Humorous or quite perverse
With two lines
The message refines
Or its direction to reverse

On a survey about Americans not smiling enough I voted con stern nation.

The Surgeon General is on a waist reduction campaign.

A friend in need - will ask for something.

I am convinced that the only way to stop lies in DC is to start sewing some lips shut.

1 comment:

  1. The only way you can tell if a politician is lying is when he says something.
