Monday, January 4, 2010

Rambler 155

King Arthur's sword was of an unknown size. It was an "X" caliber.

The famous geologist became a rock star.

We were warned of a pandemic, what we have is a pandermic-both parties catering to special interest groups to garner votes.

I am wondering why I bought a Tom Tom. Now I have two women giving instructions while I am driving.

According to Amazon, December was the first month in which digitized books (Kindle) exceeded the sales of printed books. Will the printed book follow the path of film cameras?

There once was a canner of fruit
That would make everyone toot
It was much later found
She had put in a pound
Of garlic cloves to boot

food/music Popsicles and Icicles Murmaids '64

Because of the demise of the penny, Penny Hill, DE, has been renamed Nickel Hill.

There was an interesting item on the news recently indicating that McDonald's and Burger King have higher standards and better inspections of meat than our schools. Sure gives a warm feeling about our kids and what they eat.

New finds by archeologists indicate one of the pharaohs may have invented golf-King Putt. They also think he may have been good when in sand traps.

There is a new reality show taking cast offs from other shows. They are taking decontestants.

Local urologists have scheduled a European vacation.

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