Monday, December 10, 2012

Rambler 410

Pro football players with hyphenated names will soon need two lines on the backs of their jerseys (or the start of the name on the front and finishing on the back).  I hope they stay in long enough to read the whole name.

Retirees’ cheer: Hip, hip,  xray

Nicoret is sponsoring reruns of “Gum Smoke.”

When a news announcer says:  “ We’ll keep an eye on this story,”  I am reminded of a pirate with an eye patch (or a lizard that can look in both directions).

Looneyville,  Minnesota is conducting seminars for both political parties.  (If unsuccessful:  “That’s all folks.”)

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. (BIBLE)

There once was a man at a store
Who quickly ran out the door
Because of the smell imparted
By a person who had farted
He could hold his breath no more
     (I am aghast that this was included!)

News Headlines (possibly):

The funeral will be brought to you live  (Are we talking of Zombies?)

New rules in maternity ward have babies up in arms

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