Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Rambler 409

There used to be “Town Criers” who conveyed the news.   Now news of our politicians’ inaction makes whole towns criers.

There is a horse at the OK Corral that can’t keep its food down.   Veterinarians are trying to determine why it urped.
(say the last 3 quickly)
Crutch makers are meeting at Burned Cane Crossing, Arkansas.  (Trying to get their membership in step)

The teenager wasn’t making his grades so his parents pulled the rugby out from under him.

There once was a man at a zoo
Who suddenly lost a shoe
He bent over to tie
And quickly did fly
When hit in the behind by a gnu
 (The limerick writer has been running “behind.”)

IHOP accused of using Mexican jumping beans in its pancakes.

His speech was a jeer jerker.

News Headlines (possibly):

Man seeking marina faces pair a docks

Halloween Association names new spooksman

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