Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rambler 398

In football games they say “the clock has expired.”  Do they bury it?

Members of both political parties have been invited to Bullhead City, AZ.

There was a recent news item on TV about a nurse calling about a bill for her annual visit with her Dr.   She was charged $50 more than she expected.   She was told she asked more questions than were allowed and had to be charged for the extra time.  (This part is factual)
After that item appeared I had an appointment.  When the doctor came in I asked how many questions I could ask.   He said: “5 and what are your other 4?”

Polygon-a multi-sided figure or the departure of a girl friend

How can mortgages be under water in Arizona?  It is the driest state in the union.

As kids we used to play “King of the Hill.”   At our age we play “King of the Pill.”

"A train station is where the train stops. A bus station is where the bus stops. On my desk, I have a work station... " Source Unknown

News Headlines (possibly):

Horse ranchers include neighsayers

New half hour TV program of the cast of “60 Minutes” introducing themselves; followed by ads, and concluding with the Waltons saying good night to each other


  1. I can think of a better name for what they are spoutin' besides Bullhead but I'm too polite to say it.
