Monday, October 1, 2012

Rambler 391

Following two weeks of banging on our roof and the sides of the house, I am trying to get back into the humor mode.

I tried joining the CIA.  They said I would have to start at the bottom.   They put me in culvert operations.

The AMA is conducting seminars in Mesick, Michigan.

Blood is thicker than water.    -- German Proverb    Water is thicker than blood in Minnesota in the winter.-Steve Ganshert 2012

I receive many calls from charitable organizations.   I need to look up “Save the Fleas.”

Alexander the Great has been downgraded to Alexander the Above Average.

The term “money bags” used to refer to someone rich.  Today it applies to anything taken on airplane.

News Headlines (possibly):

Potential bacon shortage has Congressmen in a panic (pork shortage)

New competition in salt sales expected to shake out (will have to wait and sea)


  1. Today Alexander couldn't be called great because it would cause all the other dictators to have low self esteem.

  2. You pegged that correctly. It would all be his parents' or his teachers' fault.
