Monday, September 24, 2012

Rambler 389

Norm Cosby could misconscrew a word in a harp beat.

Many hands make light work.      -- John Heywood (c.1497-1580)  It should only take one finger to turn the light on.  Steve Ganshert 2012

The Truth in Lending Committee is meeting in Liars Corner, Ohio.  (This hasn’t been checked on Snopes)

I wonder how big the tanks are on our presidential candidates.   When will they run out of gaffes?

With all of the fighting in the Middle East, will there be a recall of Obama’s Nobel Prize?

A local man’s cravings were diagnosed as a need jerky reaction.

Thanks to the stock market, my gluteus maximus has become a gluteus minimus.

I traded in my fly rod for a worm rod.

News Headlines (possibly):

Sugar Workers Union raising cane

Electrical workers revolt short


  1. I always loved to hear Norm Crosby talk.
    BTW...I should be around more often. I now have a wireless Internet adapter that works from my home. I might just become annoying. :)

  2. I am glad to hear you will be on the net more.

    We agree on Cosby. Clean humor and a lot of fun.
