Monday, March 5, 2012

Rambler 332

I misunderstood the fishing instructor.   I thought he said: “tie flying.”

His book on remodeling got him on the “Best Cellars List.”

I turned on the television to see how many ads there were for my cable fee.

A local bank has installed a fail safe vault.  (Interesting combination of words)

Sanctimoneyous-accepting campaign donations and stating they will not affect legislation

If I work longer hours, how many minutes do they contain?

The giraffe race was neck and neck.

After watching some drag races on TV in which cars reached 300+ miles per hour, I wondered what is the rush to get to the end?  (McDonalds is considering putting a drive through window on the track)

There once was a very fast typist
Who entered many a list
In competition she starred
But ended up scarred
For many items had been missed

One advantage of growing older-the hairline no longer recedes.   There is no hairline.

Dining Etiquette Research is taking place in Five Forks, AL.

News Headlines (possibly):

Piano maker given keys to the city

Liquor makers have spirited debate

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