Monday, February 14, 2011

Rambler 258

Based upon some of the stupid remarks made by Congresswoman Bachman I wonder if  she is in the Witless Protection Program.

A movie documenting bubble wrap is opening: " Merry Poppins."

The defense minister for a medieval king found ducks to put in the moat that would quack immediately if someone approached giving his troops an early warning.
The king asked the minister to provide his other castles with quick quacker moats.

The redesign of the guillotine is coming to a head.

New cheerleaders are attending training in What Cheer, IA.

There once was a man from Nantucket
Who carried his lunch in a bucket
The day was hot
Causing the food to rot
And making him upchuckit

A new casket line is supposed to have better back support.  (Don't take this one lying down.)

I used to have flying down pat. Now I have a pat down to fly.

Nashville-Al Gore recently had to dig out from under 6" of global warming.

News Item Headings: (possibly)

Citrus drink makers squeezed for profits.

New broom design has competitors bristling.

New kitchen mixer creating a stir.


  1. It never ceases to amaze me how you keep comin' up with this stuff. I've been busier than a one armed paper hanger this last couple of months. I'm workin' on another ebook and I am goin' to give your site a plug in it if that's okay.

  2. I would appreciate the plug and amazed by the number of items and quality you publish.

  3. I especially enjoyed the limerick this week.

