Monday, December 27, 2010

Rambler 244

A local church had a bell that rang early every Sunday morning. Some neighbors were quite irritated by the early wakeup.
One Sunday there was no sound-absolute silence.
The minister went up to the bell to see what the problem was. He found that the metal bell was gone and layer after layer of leather strips had been glued together in the shape of a bell so the ringer would have no effect.
When he came down from the belfry, the congregation asked what happened.
He replied: "Last night a neighbor gave us the no bell piece plies."

The Gettysburg address has a new zip code

City officials from Boulder Colorado are meeting in Little Rock, AR, to discuss downsizing.

The local Turkey Hunters Club has scheduled it's fall Fowl Ball.

A golfer addressing his ball
Prepared to give it his all
He took his swing
With one arm in a sling
And on his ball he did fall

It was difficult to fathom the depth of the flood.

When we were younger we used tuning forks; now we use pruning forks. They were for two different types of music.

In the news: (possibly)

Declining numbers seen in accounting schools

Whipping cream sales taking a beating

Library rental rooms experiencing a drop in bookings

1 comment:

  1. Good one again. I love the In the news:(possibly) feature you have added.
