Monday, October 25, 2010

Rambler 226

To you dead vegans: "may you rest in peas".

The Hindsight Society is holding its meeting in Oracle, AZ.

There once was a man eating curds
Asking for seconds and thirds
He turned quite pale
When he was told the tale
They were really the droppings of birds

I read the contents of my bottle of Ensure. I thought I was reading the table of periodic elements in high school chemistry.

The Odd Fellows permit to build a new lodge has an even chance of approval.

Although splint sales were down, he was able to keep a stiff upper lip.

I was invited to the wrecking ball.

The chef of a highly rated local restaurant was seen taking live rabbits into his kitchen.
The guests were curious and asked him what he was doing.
He replied that the menu was getting kind of boring and he thought it was time for a "broth of fresh hare."  (It is hoped this pun becomes a hareloom.)

They have changed CPR to CR. I guess they thought we couldn't remember all three letters. (They're all heart.)

Since the implementation of HD TV it seems as if we have gone to the "dark side." Have you noticed how much darker the scenes are? Guess they didn't want the warts and wrinkles to show.

My hair was cut by someone who didn't go to barber school. He said he just read the Clip Notes.

insurance-protection you cannot afford for something that won't be covered


  1. It is amazing that we live so far apart and still have the same barber. They might not be the same though because I think mine went to a school for the blind.

  2. He probably received some braille out money.

  3. When you were in high school, weren't the only elements "Air, Fire, Earth, and Water?"
