Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Rambler 172

The WWF (World Wide Food) Network's nationally televised Snack Down between the competing chefs was electrifrying.

Foreclosure-the kiss of debt

The plane that crashed into the IRS offices recently was trying to file his taxes at the fly through window.

It pains me to say that I had a roof canal-had the eaves cleaned.

A Twin Cities TV station asked what watchers thought about ridding a neighborhood of turkeys.  One replied: "If you're talking about Washington, DC, I am in full agreement."

The only mistake I ever made was when I said "no one is perfect." (Contributed by my brother-strange thinking runs in the family. Actually, with our age and ailments it walks in the family.)

food/music I Heard it through the Grapevine Marvin Gaye '68

Paperhangers are holding a convention in Walls, MS.

There once was a runner of races
Now with both legs in braces
While running a short race
He picked the wrong pace
And ran into occupied spaces          (Talk about hitting the wall!)

A local dove hunter was noted for always getting his limit in the first few minutes of the season and early in the morning. This went on for years.
When asked how he did it, he said it was a case of dove at first light.

The sick author was read his last writes.

Is something seen with a flashlight shined sight?

I practiced my humor on the beach. I wanted to be a sand up comic.

1 comment:

  1. I had to quit being a sand up comic because the jokes were too gritty.
