Monday, June 22, 2009

Rambler 104

In a stinging report, entomologists claim African bees are involved in global swarming. (Upon completion participants were giving each other five hives.)

Airlines are back on track on profits while railroads results are up in the air.

For security reasons the Liberty Bell is being moved to a clangdestined location.

The National Association of Skydivers will meet in Parachute, CO. Theme song will be "High Plains Drifter." (Non members are invited to drop in.)

There once was a piano tuner
Whose second job was a tree pruner
One day while confused
The wrong tools he used
And piano practice was done much sooner

It sure is great to create a new department to watch out for us when those already there (SEC and Madoff) cannot do the job they are supposed to. I would rather see an effort to get people in the SEC who can read balance sheets or financial statements. And I forgot about the FDA that can't find EColi or Salmonella for months on end. Or how about an Energy Department begun in the 1970's to make us energy independent and now costs about $24 billion a year? This list could certainly be expanded.

A short professor specializing in the study of tree snakes was having problems reaching the higher specimens. He has placed an ad for a high snakes poker.

An instrument maker of note joined the symphony to play his unfinished timpani.

In the 50's I caught and sold nightcrawlers to make some money. I remember signs from those times: Nightcrawlers 1/2 Mile or Nightcrawlers 1/4 mile. They have sure gotten a lot shorter.

Due to the economy, sales of elevators are down.

We bought a watch dog and named it Timex.

A watched boil never pops.

1 comment:

  1. I like the new look of your blog. I always look forward to reading your stuff. It amazes me how you come up with some of this.
