Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Rambler 101

The book "Common Sense" has been rewritten for current times. The new version is "Common Scents". The theme-if it smells like pork they will come.


Why do we allow politicians to spend millions on something named after themselves? After viewing the video on the Murtha Airport in Johnstown, PA, I wondered. He has earmarked and spent $150 milllion on an airport that has 20 passengers a day. I forgot, the Stimulus Package that has no pork in it has another $18 million to redo one of the runways at the airport. (This falls between Pelosi's $30 million to protect an endangered mouse and Reid's $700 Million (again in the no pork Stimulus Package) for a high speed rail from LA to Las Vegas) Pelosi has been nominated for the Good Mousekeeping Award. (Honorable intentionally omitted for all 3)

There once was a writer of riddles
Who wrote while listening to fiddles
One day the music stopped
And his output dropped
Leaving his riddles in their middles

The National Mimes Association is meeting in Converse, IN. The culmination of the meeting will be a face off.

An EKG is recommended for all Congressional Candidates-Economic Knowledge Grasp.

There was a recent news item about 100 tribes combining to purchase from each other. They are taking our contributions to their casinos and reinvesting. Maybe the Secretary of the Treasury should ask them for a loan.

There seems to be a lot of innfighting between local Bed and Breakfasts and motels.

Local jewelers said the topic of the design of new jewelry will not be brooched.

Theorists studying the origins of the retail industry have developed the big bag theory.

1 comment:

  1. Mimes are very scary and creepy and should be outlawed.

    Good blog.
