Monday, November 5, 2012

Rambler 401

High fiber dieticians are holding seminars in Oatmeal, Texas.
(Speeches are limited to 3 minutes)

"A clever man commits no minor blunders."-source unknown

I was leading by a nose.   But I blew it.

Do they teach typing today with just thumbs?

I gave up camping.   Too many tents moments.

He would have pleaded insanity but the voices told him not to.

They said I have a split personality.   We don’t believe it.

Is a check at a restaurant considered the aftermath?

On Halloween we took our kids down Elm Street to Day Scare.

I didn’t set the clock.   But I still have time.

I’d give a million dollars to be rich.

I was going to vote, but elected not to.

I was the designated cook, but it didn’t pan out.

He was going to flip flop but changed his mind.

Two teams to vote for Biden and Obama or Romney and Ryan.   We either get R&R or BO.

He was going to put money into savings but lost interest.

I am taking a course in SCUBA Diving.  My mortgage is

Somebody suggested I take up bird watching.   Now I attend badminton matches.

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