Monday, January 16, 2012

Rambler 318

The Internal Revenue Service is considering taxed messaging.

If I expound on something, does that mean I’ve gone metric?

In the news: "One Life to Live" died.

An area restaurant has encountered problems with someone putting ice in breakfast dishes when people weren’t looking.
The owner and his staff are on the lookout for a cereal chiller.

The National Weight Loss Association says membership is thinning.

France-new rabbit hootches are being designed as a breadth of French Hare.
Capone historians are meeting in Scarface, CA.  (I’m sure someone will find fault with the location.)

There once was a collector of soap
Whether in a box or on a rope
His pipes were weak
They sprung a leak
With a houseful of suds he must cope    (to the tune of “slip sliding away)

News Headlines (possibly):

Congress grills restaurant officials (they are expected to hash out their differences)

Proctologists in arrears on billing

Diamond cutter accuse of being facetious

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