Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rambler 289

A Minnesota campground owner was recently arrested. He had knowingly allowed a felon to camp there. The owner was charged with Criminal In Tent.

Because of his size and his decision not to run for President, NJ Governer Christie has been designated "The Abdominal No Man."

Karate classes at a local high school are on the chopping block.  (Thought you'd get a kick out of that.)

There was a man from Pike’s Peak

A big collector of teak
He had it on display
When bugs came his way
Now from the teak sawdust does leak

Cartographers are holding a seminar in Lost City, WV.  (Directions to the site are sketchy)

I saw a repair man with a lot of equipment and asked him what he was doing. He told me he repairs electrical power poles. He said: I’m a pole volter.”

A new restaurant chain is opening that is catering to gun owners-Shooters.

Xbox has come out with a new “Smash Mouse” football game.

The pharmacy down the street has instituted a “Happy Hour”-shots half off.

When I was painting the house I came across some primed numbers.

I have enrolled at Gold’s Gymn. I signed up for the Weakly Special.

The Cardiologists Association has adopted as its theme song one from the 60’s, “Heartaches by the Number.”


  1. I had no doubt after reading the first line and got to "Criminal In Tent" that it was penned by Steve Ganshert who I knew in Freeport, IL. If I make an allegation am I an Alligator?

    Jack Sroka

  2. I am the guilty party.
    Nice to hear from you.

  3. I too loved the Criminal in Tent note. I shared a link to this site in my kins 262 class "wellness". I spoke about humor and family as it relates to different portions of the 7 part "wellness wheel".

    Nicholas Crooks

    1. Your Grandpa's mental wellness wheel doesn't work well; it is rather warped.

      -John Ganshert
