It sure is nice of the House and Senate to approve the purchase of new jets for their junkets. It sets a good example for our auto makers.
If I take up archery, will I become bowlegged?
With my multiple personalities, will I get a group discount under the new health care bill?
The National Icemakers' Convention is being held in Caliente, NV.
"Gone Today Hair Tomorrow"
As I increase in years
More hair grows on my ears
(At my age, long poems take too long.)
I was going to take up archery, but what's the point?
I wanted to be a pugilist, but I fought the urge.
There once was a passer of gas
Who a large charge did amass
After one terrible toot
All the people did scoot
Clearing the room en masse
When it comes to kneading more dough, yeast packagers are rising to the occasion.
I think most of the congressmen should take commercial flights on their foreign junkets and the government should only pay for one way.