Monday, August 17, 2009

Rambler 115

The use of BoTox must have begun in DC. How else could they keep such straight faces when the tell such tales?

I used to think ExLax was a departing flight from Los Angeles (LAX).

Do Illegal Aliens get a deport card?

The Grit Manufacturing Association is meeting in Hominy, OK.

In grade school, I took my pet skunk to school for show and smell.

The healthcare bill is slowing down. Are we seeing a light at the end of the funnel?

I was falling behind in my house payments. I asked for a "residential pardon."

He attended an ice breaker dance at his church and tried to go with the Floe.

There once was a writer of verse
Whose works were actually quite terse
You could read his rhyme
In a very short time
Even reading it in reverse

Because of the legalizing of pot in California, the movie:"High Noon" will be redone.

The Professional Tennis Association has outlawed soft shots. Anyone using them will be given a lobotomy.

At the restaurant, the waiter asked if I wanted pepper on my salad. I replied that I didn't order a Sneezer Salad.

The Association of Proctologists will be meeting in Gasport, NY.

When the President says there were no earmarks in the Stimulus Bill, I believe he speaks with a porked tongue.

1 comment:

  1. I think now that instead of a deport card, illegal aliens are getting a support card.

