Monday, August 10, 2009

Rambler 113

The President recently showed his flexibility. He can serve as the head of the administrative branch and as a beereaucrat.

In a Rambler over a year ago, I posed the question of fraud related to reverse mortgages. An article in a recent "Consumer Reports" verified it's happening. People are losing homes and we the taxpayers are subsidizing the banks making the loans through the FHA. And the beat goes on.

I bought flood insurance. Now that I have been informed my mortgage is underwater, will it cover?

There is a Fairbanks Alaska. Are there any fair banks in the lower 48 states?

There once was a man playing the flute

Who quite suddenly had to toot

Causing the band

To quickly disband

And to depart by any available route

Miller Beer is trying to get the triple hops classified as a track event for the next Olympics.

The National Icemakers will gather in Boiling Springs, NC.

I said I needed the medicine for my COPD, my wife offered to provide a pillow. (That was a "down"er)

Indentured servants had to work for about 7 years to pay the cost of their passage to America. Now Americans may have to pay for the rest of their lives because of the passage of some bills. Talk about history repeating itself.

Sarah Palin resigned the governor's position to:

-Watch Russia out her back window

-Further diminish the GOP

-Get paid not to speak at fund raisers

-Tell people how to keep a job

-All of the above


  1. It sure is good to have you back. I have missed your ramblings. Good blog as usual.

  2. Glad to see you back. I loved the limerick. Hope you are feeling well.
