Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Rambler 103

At an Indonesian thatched hut they were holding a tea for visiting dignitaries from Britain. When they went to get the scones, they found all had mould. Moral: people in grass houses shouldn't stow scones.

A group of bald people bought an island in Alaska. Retired Senator Stevens had promised a bridge to no hair.

At one of the larger government buildings there was a constant problem with finding keys to the various doors. The president promised to hire a locks mess master.

There once was a baker of dough
Who worried that sales were too low
So when it came to yeast
He used the least
And now his loaves don't grow

General Motors has announced a new service subsidiary for stranded cars: Mr. Goodwinch.

When I dance it's to rhythm and boos.

Bakers Square executives are meeting in Round Rock, AZ.

The USPS said it cancelled stamp sales.

I bought a new hybrid car. I think it needs a longer extension cord.

Investigations indicate a number of cases of can a bullism in the two houses of Congress.

When my alarm clock went off this morning it experienced time travel.

Clamity Jane, spokesperson for the shellfish industry, said there is a decline in demand.

The film industry has announced a new rating just below the tear jerker: tear plucker.

The President will appoint a Translation Czar to ensure political correctness. (So to speak)

I wonder if a large, industrial size, spray can of GasX would help in Congress. (Or should it be PorkX?)

1 comment:

  1. When I dance it is usually because I stepped in a fire ant bed. Good blog as usual.

