Monday, October 8, 2012

Rambler 393

Pray, Montana, will be the site of the International Atheists Convention.

He was as useful as a two-legged, tripod, salesman.

Travel bags now cost more to fly than they cost to purchase.

It appears that the results of the debate are debatable.

"If you think things can't get worse it's probably only because you lack sufficient imagination."-source unknown (possibly Murphy)

I use the saline solutions with a squeeze bottle for sinus problems.  The salt packet had an expiration date.   How does salt go bad?  It has survived millions of years prior to being packaged.

Limburger-a very stinky cheese or a meal for a beaver

American Airlines is adding a fee for seats to stay upright.

My wife, who shops for fabric, has set a new record for most yards per carry.  (The NFL may draft her.)

I was watching boat drag races the other day.  I wonder how an 8,000 horsepower boat would work for trolling.

News Headlines (possibly):

National debt a soar subject

Wine makers in good spirits

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